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1、1973年,美国哈佛大学教授麦克莱兰德在其发表的题为测量资质而非智力Testing for Competence Rather Than for Intelligence的论文中,首次提出了资质competence一词这个词在国内有四种翻译法胜任力,胜任特征,素。




5、主要受乔姆斯基的影响,结构主义的布拉格学派日内瓦学派和哥本哈根学派共同构造一个新模型,按照这个转换语法模型,能力competence和表现performance 之间的区别不同于语言和说话之间或系统和过程之间的区别1965年句法。

6、competence grammar 的话指的是一个speaker的整个运用语法的能力,比如他她会多少语法规则,对这些规则掌握的如何performance grammar指的是一个speaker在说话和书写过程中实际运用的语法,因为speaker可能也会在说话和写作过程。

7、1linguistic competence Comsky defines competence as the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language,and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication 2sentence A sentence。

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8、Performance 指实行某事的行为或某事被实现的过程即执行Parole 指由执法人员用一段时间对其进行定期观察,如果其行为连续合乎法律则可予以释放即假释Competence指足以胜任或非常合格的状态或性质即能力或法律所赋予的。

9、美#712kɑmp#618t#601ns n能力技能相当的资产 例句Being an effective manager and leader begins with people #39s belief in your competence and character要成为一名高效的经理人和企业领袖,首先。

10、and was specifically opposed to linguistic performance The term was used more broadly by Dell Hymes in formulating the concept of communicative competence Like communicative competence, language competence is often。

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11、复数competences 例句双语英语1Being an effective manager and leader begins with people#39s belief in your competence and character要成为一名高效的经理人和企业领袖,首先要让人们信任你的能力和性格2But what。

12、双语例句 原声例句 权威例句 1Is it in my circle of competence?是不是在我的能力范围之内2We can certify for him competence as an editor我们可以保证他能胜任编辑工作3Your scholarship and research。

13、专业才能以上结果来自金山词霸 例句1In indian politics and public administration, personal loyalty and the appeasement ofspecial interests take precedence over professional competence and the public good在印度的政治。

14、Third, the brain drain of enterprises, which will result in enterprise recruitment, training and production efficiency and reduce cost of human resource management, core competence is under threatFour, the influence factors。



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