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OFFSPRINGSexual maturity is reached beeen 5 to 10 years Females give birth every o to three years to one calf Gestation lasts 10 to 12 months and the average calf is 23 feet long and weighs 4,440。


世系,血统 offspring 后代,后辈 ancestor 祖先 heir 继承人 family 家庭 marriage 婚姻 spouse 配偶 couple 夫妻 parents 父母 child 孩子 single 单身者 male 男的 female 女的 husband 丈夫 wife 妻子。

v i Progeny issue offspringv i Generationv i The period of increasing light, or luminous phase the waxing said of the moonthe act of increasing something quothe gave me an increase。

Offspring Why Don#39t You Get A Job? 兔崽子们为什么你们不去找工作 My friend#39s got a girlfriend 我的朋友有个女朋友 and he hates that bitch 他恨死了那个sao货 He tells me every day 他每天都跟我诉说。




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