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Eight Wonders of the World Egypt’s Pyramids, Olympian Zeus Statue, Rhode Island Sun God Colossus, Babylon Hanging Garden, Artemis Temple, Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, Lighthouse of Alexandria, Terracotta Warriors;陵墓总体似神殿,上部为金字塔形,顶上有大理石雕塑,由建筑师彼提阿斯设计建成由于这座陵墓被西方传诵为古代陵墓的奇迹,故现在西语中的“陵墓”一词,也以Mausoleum为词源了 然而历史对人们的嘲弄始终没有停止摩拉索斯;i#39d like to have drsun yatsen#39s mausoleum意思我想要去中山先生的陵墓 词汇解释would like to 英 wud laik tu 美 w#650d la#618k tu愿意,意欲 例句We would like to thank them;翻译泰姬陵,是印度知名度最高的古迹之一,世界文化遗产,被评选为“世界新七大奇迹”The Taj Mahal is called quotTaj Mahalquot It is a huge mausoleum mosque built in white marble It was built by Mughal;曼都赫特普三世陵墓Mausoleum of MentuHotep III中王朝时期,古埃及首都迁到上埃及的底比斯Thebes,峡谷很窄,两侧悬崖峭壁,在这里,金字塔的艺术构思已经完全不合适了皇帝们效仿当地贵族的传统,大多在山崖上凿;陵墓总体似神殿,上部为金字塔形,顶上有大理石雕塑,由建筑师彼提阿斯设计建成由于这座陵墓被西方传诵为古代陵墓的奇迹,故现在西语中的“陵墓”一词,也以Mausoleum为词源了然而历史对人们的嘲弄始终没有停止摩拉索斯不。

Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang and Terracotta Warriors Emperor Qin#39s mausoleum is the largest of ancient China, situated at the northern foot of Mt Li, Lintong County, some 30m east of Xi#39an city,faci;The mausoleum is a part of a vast complex comprising of a main gateway, an elaborate garden, a mosque to the left, a guest house to the right, and several other palatial buildings The Taj is at;汉世宗孝武皇帝刘彻前156年-前87年,汉族,是汉王朝的第7位天子,中国古代伟大的政治家战略家诗人民族英雄刘彻是汉景帝刘启的第十子汉太宗文帝刘恒的孙子汉太祖刘邦的重孙子7岁时被册立为皇太子,16;黄帝陵坐落在陕西省延安南部的黄陵县,是中华民族始祖轩辕黄帝陵墓的所在地这里山清水秀,景色宜人,是著名的旅游胜地传说黄帝生于山东寿丘,逝世于河南荆山,葬在陕西桥山桥山位于黄陵县城北1公里陵冢在桥山之巅桥山;Dayu Mausoleum Dayu Mausoleum dà yǔ líng 大禹陵 is located at the foot of Kuaiji Mountain kuài jī shān 会稽山 southeast of Shaoxing City shào xìng shì 绍兴市, Zhejiang Province zhè jiāng。


以下是Wikipedia百科上得到的Zhao Mausoleum 昭陵 pinyin Zhāolíng quotZhaoquot means the light of the sun is the mausoleum of Emperor Taizong of Tang 599649It is located in Jiuzong mountain, Shaanxi;帝陵·西汉帝陵 The Mausoleum of the Emperor of the Western Han Dynasty #xE768 我来答 1个回答 #热议# 历史上日本哪些首相被刺杀身亡?得书文化 20220719 · TA获得超过195个赞 知道答主 回答量105 采纳率66% 帮助。


北陵,东陵,张氏帅府_有道翻译 翻译结果Zhao Mausoleum, dongling, zhang ShuaiFu mausoleum_有道词典 mausoleum 英 ,m#596s#601#39li#601m美 ,m#596s#601#39li#601mn 陵墓阴森森的大厦;中山陵英文翻译为The Mausoleum of Dr Sun Yatsen 而Dr Sun YatSen’s Mausoleum也可以用,不过语法上一般是有“中山先生的陵寝”的意思,The Mausoleum of Dr Sun Yatsen是比较官方的用法,特指“中山陵”;完全是习惯MAUSOLEUM指较为大型的纪念意义的,不一定有遗体,但谁的墓都可以叫TOMB,#39s在语法上与of表意相同,但of的语法可以更显示出皇家的,高贵的,神圣的含义,或就是习惯搭配,固定的词组,如son of a bitch;mausoleum 是大词,指名人,帝王,大家族的坟墓,规模大,有气势tomb 的坟墓就相对较小,但比grave又大。



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