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[risky怎么读]risky 什么意思


1、risky,英语读作#712r#618ski,美语读作#712r#618ski,释义adj危险的冒险的作品等有伤风化的变形比较级riskier,最高级riskiestrisky例句 1It is very risky for a minor to。

2、dangerous的音标是英 #712de#618nd#658#601r#601s或美 #39dend#658#601r#601s ,句中作为形容词使用一词汇分析 dangerous adj 危险的,危险地 二短语 1Dangerous goods 交。


4、dangerous的读音是英#39de?ndr?sdangerous的读音是英#39de?ndr?sdangerous的例句是用作形容词adjIt is dangerous to walk on thin ice in a lake在湖中薄冰上行走是很危险的dangerous的意思。

5、当你看到一个单词的时候你并不总是清楚它该如何发音4As we#39ve already seen, people assume that things which are difficult to pronounce are alsorisky如我们一直认为的那样,人们认为发音困难的东西也是具有危险性。

6、1读音 pronunciation 英 pr#601,n#652ns#618#39e#618#643#601n 美 pr#601,n#652ns#618#39e#643#601n2释义 n 发音读法 3短语 relaxed pronunciation 松弛发音。

7、If you say that someone ison thin ice oris skating on thin ice, you mean that they are doing something risky which may have serious or unpleasant I had skated on thinice and, so far, got away。

8、Only dedication to society, to find out the meaning of life is actually short and risky 33成功的人做别人不愿做的事,做别人敢做的事,做别人做不到的事! Successful people do what others don#39t want to do, do peop。

9、risky 冒险的optimistic乐观的attractive吸引人的23 Ashape使成为某种形像与building之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语24 B题意打高尔夫似乎是明星们工作之余通常的娱乐活动recreationresource资源。

10、第一题 Now,however, there are people who seek an immediate thrill, a risky activity, which may only last a few minutes or even secondsWhy do people take part in such activities as these?从这两个句子你。

[risky怎么读]risky 什么意思

11、Yes, memory is painful, risky, but I hope the wrapped the horrors of the past on a layer of sugar, like watching a tragedy like, suffering some sweet 假若过去的早晨都似地狱那么黑暗丑恶,盼明天干吗呢?是的,记忆中。


[risky怎么读]risky 什么意思

13、quotOh, the bear told mequot, said the other, quotNot to hang out with a friend who runs away when a risky situation occursquot After hearing him, the young man who climbed up the tree alone felt sorry for his behavior。

14、One can only devote oneself to the society in order to find out the meaning of life which is actually short and risky 46照亮我的道路,并且不断地给我新的勇气去愉快地正视生活的理想,是善美和真 The ideals which。

15、the answer 指代这篇阅读的上一段最后一句话的问题How had they survived?The answer lay in a resource that unknowing Americans had trampled underfoot in their haste to cross the quotGreat American Desertquot to。




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