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particularize_Particularize radionice


1、Nathan Zuckerman, Philip Roth#39s alterego for nearly four decades now, is settling uncomfortably into old age Now a literary recluse like EI Lonoff, the mentor of his youth in The Ghost Writer。

particularize_Particularize radionice

2、particularize pE5tikjulEraiz v 详细说明, 列举, 大书特书 pasteurize 5pAstEraiz vt 用巴氏法灭菌 plagiarize 5pleidViEraiz v 剽窃, 抄袭 polarize 5pEJlE。

3、Likewise, by anthropomorphizing Death as a kind and civil gentleman, the speaker particularizes Death#39s characteristics with favorable connotations Similarly, the finite and infinite are amalgamated in the fourth stanza;tridecalogism 意思是十三个字母 patronizingly 意思是要人领情的 particularize 意思是特殊化 paterfamilias 意思是一家之主 participators 意思是参与者 以上,希望对你有帮助。

4、Has a profound mathematical and computer software theoretical foundation Access to the following aspects of the knowledge and ability1A solid foundation for mathematics, computing science and master the basic theory。

particularize_Particularize radionice



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