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面对它们,与它们战斗Be savage again像野蛮人一样 Go hungry and cold like the wolf,变得饥渴,冷血像狼一样 Go wade like the crane去长途跋涉像鹤一样 The palms of your hands will thicken,手掌变得粗糙 The。

comprehensive carrying out thickens the aluminum shell, completes at the end of May has the soldering lug to thicken the change with the aluminum shell 2。

翻译The tide of Qian Tang River, since ancient times known as the quotwonders of the worldquot, this time, I also went to see the tide, although not the largest,most spectacular tide, but still very。

Use flour to thicken the gravy 加面粉使肉汁浓稠He sopped bread in gravy 他浸面包于肉汁中The quotscrapsquot was four or five choice spces of freshroasted sirloin, and *** othered in hot。

寻寻觅觅, 冷冷清清, 凄凄惨惨戚戚It was most hard to recuperate myself,during the weather of suddenly got warm and again turned to cold乍暖还寒时候, 最难将息A few cups of weak wine,how could。

Thicken it up a bit Pour it into a glass翻译香蕉剥皮后放入冷冻库冰半小时将所有材料丢入果汁机然后大概打个五秒停下来看一下,最多打个十到十五秒就可以了,浓稠一点比较好喝,打均匀倒到杯子里就可以了。

冠状动脉粥样硬化是冠心病的主因,它是由脂肪沉积物聚集在动脉内壁所致The resultant plaques graduallythicken and harden with fibrous material, ceils and other deposits, causing theartery to narrow The narrowing can。

adopted the dike has packed Everybody looking eastward, waiting for the head, looking forward toAfternoon around 1, from a distance, like the sound of rumble MenLei scroll Suddenly, someone told we throng。



许译Sitting alone at the window, how Could I but quicken The pace of darkness that won’t thicken? 解析1这两句描写出词人孤苦寂寞,连熬到天黑都觉不易 2林译对原词有所误解,一处是“守着窗儿”的守,不应是。


and fortitude, with wich to stive for the progressThe momentum of the mother earth is thick,solid and gentle, man like you should thicken the virtue with which to comprehend all the God#39s creation。

您好,以下是翻译Once a green roof has been in place for a few years,the root systems grow thicken and act like a blanket 绿色屋顶曾在几年时间内风靡一时根部系统长厚逐渐变成一张毯子Building stay。

The pace of darkness which won#39t thicken?梧桐更兼细雨 到黄昏点点滴滴 这次第 怎一个愁字了得 On parasoltrees leaves a fine rain drizzles As twilight grizzlesOh! what can I do with a grief Beyond belief。

辅相天地之宜,以左右这两字用的太霸道了,建议翻译时不能用control or command民inherit the power from people#39s world to serve the common people万民可以想个折中有不失霸气的词“to thicken the weight。

都是PAUL MITCHELL的产品吧在Google输入英文,进入翻译页,可以知道 参考资料谷歌翻译。

customtailored to the thickening of the film requires relatively large order quantityIf you need thicker films require relatively large order quantityWhy do you need to thicken it, the bag is too soft。

Hubei cuisine is Wuhan, Jingzhou and Huangzhou composed of three kinds of local dishes Its approach to steam, simmer, fry, roast, fry the main, most Zhinong, thicken thick, Kou Zhong, pure flavor, with。

cooking wine, adjust the taste, after boiling, water starch thicken, steamed custard good take, have just finished sauce poured on the egg into the Can also be used to replace milk with egg white egg, s。



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