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ethnicities_ethnicities 翻译


祖国的大好河山 The great rivers of the motherland 我爱祖国,我爱祖国的大好河山I love the motherland, I love the great rivers of the motherland看万里长城像巨龙穿行在祖国大地,连绵起伏,曲折蜿蜒京杭大运河;industry and attracts millions of tourists each year1 A lot of its cultural attraction can be attributed to its cultural diversity that reflects its colonial history and Chinese, Malay, Indian and Arab ethnicities It。


ethnicities_ethnicities 翻译

英语手抄报民族团结内容参考如下1 标题设计 使用简洁而有力的标题,如“Unity in Diversity”多元中的团结或者“Harmony Among Ethnicities”不同民族的和谐2 多元文化图解 在手抄报上插入不同民族的图片;closed, leading to the national strength In 1949, MAO zedong led China#39s won the national liberation, deng xiaoping is the rejuvenation of the ethnicities mapped the grand blueprint, under the leadership of。

between countries As is shown in the picture, six adolescents from different countries with different ethnicities got together and took part in the activity called “American Culture Ambassador” Obviously,culture;Cultures Ethnicities 文化与民族 Decorative Collectibles 装饰收藏品 Disneyana Disneyana Fantasy, Mythical Magic 幻想,神话与魔术 Historical Memorabilia 历史大事记 Holiday Seasonal 假日与季节 Kitchen Home 厨房与家庭 Knives。

例如,“The city is known for its diversity of ethnicities”这座城市以其多样性文化而闻名,“race”通常涉及到某种生理上的特征或特定的血统例如,“He is of mixed race” 他是混血儿总之,“;The Uyghur are Turkic people of Central Asia They are one of China#39s 56 officially recognized ethnicities, consisting of 868 million people according to the 2004 Chinese census Throughout the history of。

民族广义Nation 比如 中华民族 Chinese nation 民族英雄 national hero民族狭义Ethnicity正式 Ethnic非正式 比如 汉族 Han Ethnicity 56个民族 56 ethnicities 说中国有56个nation,会被指分裂国家的另外;Hip hop fashion has changed significantly during its history, and today it is a prominent part of popular fashion as a whole across the world and for all ethnicitiesEarly 1980s to Mid1980sIn the early 1980s。

America的意思n地美洲国美国 America的发音美 #601#712mer#618k#601 英 #601#39mer#618k#601例句1As a result of the mingling of many ethnicities, America may be;symbolic ethnicity 象征性的族群象征性的族群性象征性的族裔 ethnicity英eθ#712n#618s#601ti美#603θ#712n#618s#618tin种族地位,种族特点,种族渊源复数ethnicities 例句1。

n 种族地位,种族特点,种族渊源例句He said his ethnicity had not been important to him他说他的种族渊源对他向来都不重要其他 复数ethnicities;I feel like there is a polarization between HispanicsBlacks and the rest of the ethnicities I know that blackshispanics feel like they have almost no friends of other races, and that it is because people avoid。

也可用Keep an eye on the world 做句子2 look to the whole world 例子Although Singapore is a predominantly Asian society, it should look to the whole world and seek out talent of all ethnicities to work。

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