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1、professional ethics 释义 职业道德例句Your boss uses blackmail, and you question my professionalethics?你老板敲诈我你又质疑我的职业道德;1意思不同 1ethics英 #39eθ#618ks 美 ‘#603θ#618ksn道德规范道德标准伦理学 例句It is a question of the relation of ethics to economics这是一个伦理学和经济学的关系问题;In teaching, ethics means putting the satisfaction of the needs and good of students before those of anyone else道德的标准是不伤害学生,关注学生的福祉,对学生寄予高标准高期望学生在学习上感到吃力时,教师;Members and Candidates must understand and comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations including the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conducts of any government, regulatory organization;If a company does not adhere to business ethics and breaks the laws, they usually end up being fined Many companies have broken antitrust, ethical and environmental laws and received fines worth millions。



3、ethics意思是道德规范,道德标准,伦理学1发音英 #39eθ#618ks, 美 #39eθ#618ks2例句The ethics of his decision are doubtful他的这一决定是否合乎道德规范值得怀疑morals,morality,ethics 3;racial指不同种族的,不同人种之间的,没有褒贬色彩的,ethic是一个名词,指道德规范,伦理准则,如professionalbusiness ethic职业商业道德我想你要问的是ethnic与ethic很像,它也有不同种族之意,但偏向于指quot与西方;animal ethics 网络 动物伦理 动物伦理学例句We have animal ethics, then do we have plant ethics and microbe ethics?有动物伦理学,那么有植物伦理学和微生物伦理学吗进行更多翻译 ethics 英#39eθ#618;一些商人确实为了追求利润,以道德的确实为代价,然而另外一些人相信商业道德能让他们得到更大的成功我同意后者 Business ethics helps a company to keep long term cooperative relationship with employees and。


4、您好I have a dream In the future ,I will to be a reporter I think to be a reporter can meet lots of interesting people ,make a lot of money and I can become rich When I become rich ,I;8我能行 I can do it!9行别人能做到的我也能做到 Everyone can make it!10关心学校我们的职责,爱护学校,我们的义务,热爱学校,我们的心声 We love our school and be willing to win honor for our;moral和morality 确实不好解释区别,都是名词,比如 morals and ethics 有道词典翻译成“思想道德修养” 我想到的例子中,morality 和 morals 都可以换着用,也许区别不大把 校训一般用ethics吧, moralmorality 都是太基本;but from selfserving in their plans Secondly, we should also know that morality is the will and aspirations of the majority of the show In other words, only ethical, in order to meet most of the peo;of another kind food is fun!下面的食谱是另一种观点的表现食物可以带来乐趣#39Things are moving ahead#39 I found that statement vague and unclear“事情正在取得进展”我认为这个说法含糊不清。

5、work ethics 释义职业道德 劳经 工作伦理例句Owing to its special traits, it is essential for the office staff to improve their abilities and work ethics其工作有一定的特点,进而要求在工作上提高自身;例句Different cultures have different ethics不同的文化有不同的伦理标准quotMoralquot作为名词,通常不会出现在复数形式中例句Honesty is a moral value诚实是一种道德价值观3概念差异 quotEthicquot强调。



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