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1、可预见的英文是Predictable一读音 pr#618#712d#618kt#601bl二释义 adj可预言的可预测的可预报的可预料的意料之中的老套乏味的可以预见三同义词 forseeable英语单词,主要用作形容词,作形容词时译为“可以预见的”短语搭配reasonably forseeable 合理预。

2、一表达意思不同 1predictiveadj 预言性的成为前兆的 2predictableadj 可预言的n可断定的人或事物二词性不同 1predictive通常用作形容词2predictable既可以作形容词,也可以作名词。

3、predict 及物动词,预测,也可以带宾语从句比如Nobody could predict the outcome无人能预测结果She predicted that the election would be close她预测竞选快开始了。

4、predicable,adj是形容词,意思为 可断定的, 可断言的 当名词讲是 可断定的人或事物, 属性, 宾位语predictable a可预知的,平庸的例句I knew you#39d say that you#39re so predictable!我早就知道你会这样说果不其然。


6、Predictable 可预测的 形容词 Profound 深刻的 形容词 Embrace 拥抱 动词 Uncertainty 不确定性 名词 翻译 最难忘的一句话 我仍然记得那天,当我的祖父对我说“生命就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道会得到什么” 那是我12岁的暑假期间我们坐在他的花园里,享受着阳光和巧克力他看着。

7、the United States English is going to merge the two countriesAlthough various contemporary English, although its variants have a traditional language is facing people, especially the challenge of contemporary youth, a general trend is predictableEnglish also had not in the traditional sen。

8、The most important advances, the qualitative leaps, are the least predictable Not even the best scientists predicted the impact of nuclear physics, and everyday consumer items such as the iPhone would have seemed magic back in the 1950sBut there are some trends that we can predict with。

9、做某事有困难 have difficulties in doing sth 一短语 1做某事有\无困难 do sth with\without difficulty 2做某事没有有困难 there is nosome difficulty doing sth 3做某事对某人有困难 sth be difficult for sb 二双语例句 1“做某事费力有困难”D have trouble doing sth。

10、One study of 7,000 households, by Pew, found in 2015 that 92% of them would opt for lower average incomes, if earnings were predictableFollowup research 后续的跟进研究 Low and middleincome households remain anxious about volatile earnings 波动的收入,不稳定 flourishi。

11、Life is like weather, predictable, but often unexpected26永远都不要放弃自己,勇往直前,直至成功Never give up on yourself, go ahead and succeed!27长得漂亮是优势,活得漂亮是本事To be beautiful is an advantage, to live beautiful is a skill28只有那些能耐心把简单事做得。

12、C not reliablepredictable14 What is the problem of soil in CanberraA it stops plants from getting enough water1520 地图题存疑,欢迎大家留言讨论15E offering shade16F inside house17C near water18A west, near the fence19B ventilate, close to the street20D。

13、predictable that we can always send out a stock pick every week我告诉他们,市场是难以预测的,所以我无法总是每周发送股票信息Because of this, I won#39t send out aquothalf bakedquot stock report, simply to plug the gap因此,我不会发送信任度不高的股票信息来滥竽充数的Therefore I。


14、But volcanoes are not very predictable That is because geological time is not like human time During quiet periods, volcanoes cap themselves with their own lava by forming a powerful cone from the molten rocks slopping over the rim of the crater later the lava cools slowly into a huge。


15、the pure economic loss is foreseeable second, the pure economic loss has the proximity If you have these two preconditions the third party will be able to seek damages for infringement All in all, as long as the plaintiff can prove the economic loss is predictable, as well。

16、范文As an educational inspirational subject, Thorne#39s means are not disgusting and persuasive, nor aggressive persuasion and preachingHis greatest charm is that he uses the staggered way of silence and outbreak to make young and frivolous guys suddenly find their stupidity in the。


18、A predictable B prevalent C proper D positive A 生活如果是可预知的,就会失去一半的乐趣11 She is under heavy pressure with an apartment and a car to __ all by herselfA manage B maintain C sustain D entertain B 维护维持,用于形容物12 The essay。



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